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Brand New Mining Rigs Now On Sale!

Buy My Pre-Assembled Rigs and Start Mining Straight Away!

Many of you guys have been asking me to help you with your ethereum mining rigs. Some of you even hired me so I could walk you through the process of assembling a rig from scratch.

However, while there is a ton of info on the web on how to build your own GPU mining rig, many people still do not have the time or the expertise to make it work and get the most out of it. Also, it is a challenge to get your hands on certain mining gear if you buy by unit.

All of this made me consider the idea of building my own GPU mining rigs for sale. Hopefully, this could help more people to get involved in cryptocurrency mining. Also, it is way easier for me to work on the rigs on my own and then deliver you a fully-functional product rather than doing the magic remotely.

This idea is not new, Ciprian” – you might say. You are right, you know – I’ve checked and found at least half of a dozen websites that offer fully assembled GPU mining rigs for sale. There is even an ICO for that. So what made me think that I can bring some value to you?

The short answer is quality. Thanks to my expertise in the fields of IT and crypto mining I know which hardware components fit the best, as well as which brands/models are trustworthy a cryptocurrency mining rig. For more information you can check my articles and reviews on this website. My crypto mining rigs will have excellent build and component quality for a reasonable and competitive price. Last but not least, I also build the cases – I am using my own designs that are optimized for mining.

You are more than welcome to do your own research, buy the components on your own and build the thing from zero. However, if you are short on time and want to get your own plug and play mining rig at a reasonable price, then I am here to help.

If you are new, here are some of my GPU mining performance test and reviews:

I have built mining machine rigs of 6, 8 and 13 GPUs for different cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Zcash, Monero, Ubiq, Expanse and many more.

Moreover, I have had the chance to buy and test the top modern mining GPUs. This allowed me to find the best matchups and achieve great price/hashrate and power/hashrate ratios.

Here are some examples of my work:

GPU Mining Rig for Sale


What I am writing probably sounds like a project I still have to work on. However, I’ve already got the gear and parts for several rigs. There are some things that should be finished, but I am actually a step away from being ready to accept orders.

If all goes well, everything should be ready in less than two weeks. Once everything is on track I will publish the final price for the rigs.

My aim is to deliver you a product that is as easy to use as an ASIC. This means that the rig is one standalone box that has to be connected to the wall and turned on. That’s all you have to do. Simply type in your wallet address and start enjoying the flow of cryptos into your wallet.

Mining Rig Specs

As for today, I am planning on offering two models to you:

  • The “1stMiningRig G6 Power” with 6 GPUs
  • The “1stMiningRig G8 Power” with 8 GPUs

The 6 GPU mining rig model is the one that will be available first. The 8 GPU one will appear on the shelves a bit later.

Help me by sharing this! Thank you 🙂

Mining Rig Specifications

  • 6x GPUs from RX 500 series, currently best GPUs on the market for mining if modified correctly. (later on I will include rigs with mining edition GPUs 470 4GB / 8GB and GTX)
  • 6x USB Risers
  • ATX Motherboard Intel LGA 1150/1151 (specially built for mining) with 6x/8x PCI-e slots
  • CPU Intel LGA 1150/1151
  • 4Gb of RAM DDR3/DDR4
  • Hard Drive 120GB SSD
  • 1x 1300w PSU or 2x 750w PSU Gold Certified
  • 1x Power Switch Button
  • 1x High quality frame 60cm X 40cm X 40cm  ( L. x W. x H.) or Rackmount server case (Stackable) 67cm X 43cm X 18cm
  • Total weight 14 kg / 20 kg
  • Runs on 100V-240V AC

Installation and Setup – Plug and Play

Each mining rig will be installed and configured by me as follows:

  1. Hardware installation
  2. Windows/MiningOS installation with mining tweaks
  3. BIOS mod & flash for all GPUs
  4. Miner installation and configuration as per your choice
  5. Setup for highest stable hashrate possible
  6. Mining rig stability (no restarts, no hashrate drops or glitches, etc.)
  7. Undervolting GPUs for the best power efficiency possible
  8. Can be accessed remotely
  9. Set up with different miners so your rig can work with different algorithms such as Ethash, Equihash, Groestl, X11Gost, Lyra2REv2, NeoScrypt, LBRY, Blake (2b), Blake (14r), Pascal, Skunkhash etc..

All you have to do is put in your wallet address!

Testing phase

The rig(s) you order will be tested for up to one week before being shipped to you. This is done to make sure that you get the rig in perfect condition. This also allows me to make sure that all hardware is working as intended.

What about the hashrate and power consumption?

The testing phase also allows me to get the best of the rig hashrate-wise. As you probably know, the silicon lottery is a thing, which means that every GPU unit has its own unique overclocking and hashing potential. That being said, I’ve build more than a dozen of rigs and all of them end up having roughly the same specifications. The expected fluctuation in power consumption and hashrate is between 3% and 10%, depending on the coin.

6x GPUs Mining Rig Hashrate:

  • Ethereum (Ethash algorithm): 177 Mh/s – 185 Mh/s
  • Ethereum dual mining Decred: 177 Mh/s – 185 Mh/s ; 4,500 Mh/s – 5,500 Mh/s
  • Ethereum dual mining Siacoin: 177 Mh/s – 185 Mh/s ; 3,000 Mh/s – 3,500 Mh/s
  • Ethereum dual mining LBRY Credits: 177 Mh/s – 185 Mh/s ; 300 Mh/s – 400 Mh/s
  • Ethereum dual mining Pascal: 177 Mh/s – 185 Mh/s ; 1,300 Mh/s – 1,500 Mh/s
  • Ethereum dual mining Pascal Lite: 177 Mh/s – 185 Mh/s ; 1,300 Mh/s – 1,500 Mh/s
  • ZCash (Equihash algorithm): 1,600 H/s – 1,700 H/s
  • Monero (Cryptonight Algorithm): 4,000 H/s – 4,500 H/s
  • Bitcoin Gold (Equihash algorithm): 1,600 H/s – 1,700 H/s

6x GPUs mining rig power consumption:

  • Ethereum mining: 800w – 900w
  • Ethereum Dual Mining: 850w – 1050w
  • ZCash Mining: 700w – 800w
  • Monero: 700w – 800w
  • Bitcoin Gold: 700w – 800w


All the rig components are new with full (factory default) warranty. If anything happens with any product within the warranty period it will be repaired or replaced.

The process

There will be a “first came – first served process” based on prepayments.

Once full payment is received I will start building the rig and configure everything as mentioned above. You can also request some tweaks to the rig – we can talk about it during our call or text chat.

After that comes the testing period, during which you will be updated with the hashrate results, power consumption and pictures/videos of your rig. Also you will be able to connect via TeamViewer to see it in action.

After I am sure that the rig works perfectly it will be carefully packed and shipped to you. As I have experienced some issues in transit before, I will only use premium packaging.


Shipped in 3-5 business days from dispatch day once testing phase is finished. Worldwide Delivery (DHL)!

A Bit More on the Reasoning behind My Decision

It is worth mentioning that this is a side project. I will keep working on 1stminingrig as I did before – I’ve got new articles on the way, I will keep being involved in the community as much as I humanly can.

Back to the topic – why would I want to get involved into this?

You see, GPU mining is more art than anything else. It can be taught, but at the end of the day, it all comes to experimentation and to gathering first-hand experience in the field. While I try to make the longest and most detailed guides on mining on the web, there are things no guide can replace.

Help me by sharing this! Thank you 🙂

Those of you who are tech savvies and mine for fun more than for money have no issues making your own rigs and getting the most out of my tutorials. However, many of you have been struggling to get your rigs on track and hashing as intended.

I try to answer as many comments as I can, but again, there are questions that cannot be answered in one comment or even one blog post.
This is the reason why I’ve been recommending certain people to buy pre-assembled rigs so they could start mining straight away.

The goal is to make GPU mining more accessible to the common folks by keeping low and transparent prices. Since I do not do this for a living, it will be easier for me to keep the prices more than competitive.

So What Prices Are We Talking About?

This post is an early bird. While I won’t charge a lot for my work, the price will also be affected by the cost of each of the individual components of the rig. Therefore, my idea is to find the best deals for each of the components. The better the deal the lower is the price of the final product. Every penny I save on the components is a penny you save on the final product. That is my policy.

At the moment there are only a few components waiting for their best quote. This means that the final price of the full rig still got to be announced.

You can say “Ciprian, could you at least throw in some estimates?” Yes, I could. However, the estimates would be less accurate than Ricky Rubio‘s three-point shots. Modern electronics market is a complete mess. You can buy a product for $ 100, then to see the same product on a different site for $ 50. Nowadays the demand for mining-compliant gear is so high that very often we have manufacturer shortages and high price fluctuations .

However, I can’t wait to have some concrete numbers too. I am posting those here as soon as I get them.

Would You Like to Help?

I really hope that my tutorials helped you jump into the crypto mining ship. If you think that my work can help others, please consider sharing this article with your friends.

You might be not interested in getting a rig from me now, but I would appreciate a lot if you’d tell other people about this offer. Who knows, maybe there is someone you know who could benefit from those rigs.

By doing so, you will be helping this site a lot.

Buy Mining Rig

1stMiningRig G6 Power Mining Rig

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    Setting Up the Workshop – a Day to Day Journal

    As you already know, I am assembling a workshop where I can mass-produce GPU mining rigs for sale. If all goes as planned, this workshop will be the den of productivity where I will do my best to build high quality rigs for you guys.

    First of all I would like to thank you all for your support. I really appreciate your interest in the project and the final products. To make things more simple and transparent, I’ve decided to keep this journal for those of you who are waiting to order the rigs. I know you want them ASAP 🙂 and I thought time will go faster if you see how is everything going and how long will take until orders are available. Do let me know if you have any kind of recommendations or positive criticism!

    Here’s a little introduction. Part one of the project is already completed – I’ve got a plan, a great team and a place where we can start equipping the workshop. We have two plain rooms of 50 square meters each. One room will be subdivided into an office and the rigs workshop – where rigs will be physically assembled; the other room will be hosting the rigs that are in testing phase.
    Today, my partners and I are moving to the second phase of the project.

    Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14

    And so we begin. Today we have spent almost all the day searching and shopping for tools and other things needed to start. We’ve obtained two doors, one to the office and the other one to the rig hosting / testing phase room. Next in our list was wire and cable, plasterboards to build the office walls, an automatic screwdriver, screws, plaster bags and some other things.

    As it always happens, this kind of shopping took almost the whole day. The only thing we’ve managed to do the same day was to cut a piece of the middle wall so the door could fit in. We’ll wait for someone experienced to install the door. We don’t want to mess things up!

    I’ll be back with more details soon. In the meanwhile, enjoy the pictures! 🙂

    The second day of work brought a lot of successes, as well as some failures and even few minor injuries. Everyone’s fine though; the minor inconveniences didn’t prevent us from keep doing what we were doing.

    It was a 12+ hour work day, during which we’ve accomplished quite a lot, IMO.

    We’ve started by making the new office placement plan. We had to establish the exact dimensions and location of the office partition and its elements. During the process we’ve received the cables for electricity installation – luckily enough, the seller delivered as promised. The door between the two workshops has been installed too, so we can finally say that we open our doors for you, guys! (I had to say that, sorry!).

    The thing I liked the most about today is how we were able to build about 80% of the office. We have used aluminum bars and plasterboards to build the office partition. Office door installation is now also 90% completed – there are a couple of aesthetic details remaining here and there, but the door is already functional.

    Again, I believe today was a day full of accomplishments. I know it looks that not too many things were done but believe me – installing the aluminum bars and making the calculation is quite a complicated and time consuming process. Those of you who do this kind of job on a daily basis will probably relate to that. Our team is composed of technicians and IT specialists, not builders, which is why this job was quite new for us. Nevertheless, I do believe we did pretty well.

    Thank you guys!

    Hello again guys! Today we continued working on the workshop; I believe the day was full of successes, just like the other days 🙂 I can say that the office room is now 95% ready.

    So here’s what we did today. First thing first, we have added mineral wool between plasterboards. This way the office can both enjoy better soundproofing and be isolated from the warmth that will be produced by the GPU rigs outside. We don’t want human BBQ, do we? 🙂 Then we have finished installing the plasterboards inside of the office partition.

    We’ve also called for a specialist who has helped us to apply the cement layer around the door and on some parts of the office walls. In the meanwhile, some of the guys started to work on smaller details and cleaning.

    What we’ve got next on our list is electricity and internet connection.

    Stay tuned for more :), thank you

    Today we have had our electricity power cable connected to the network and now we are waiting for experts to come to install the panel with cables and wall plugs.

    We are now waiting until the cement on office walls dries up before we can proceed to do other things, such as painting. So yeah, for now the walls look a bit ugly, but this won’t last for long.

    In the meanwhile, we’ve started to build the shelves for the rigs. The design we’ve came up with does not take a lot of resources while at the same time is enough to safely hold all the rigs. At first, we were about to order steel bars for the rigs when we’ve realized that aluminum ones would do even better.

    We’ve ended up using the aluminum bars we had left from building the office partition.  The frame is now standing there on its place and as you can see on the photos, we’ve already mounted a couple of rig frames on it.

    That’s all we’ve got for today – we will continue working on the shelves tomorrow – there are still at least three more of those to assemble.

    See you soon!

    Not too many things done on day five. Again, we have had to wait for comment to get dry. In the meanwhile, we have continued the work on the shelves. Note: that guy on the photos is definitely not me 🙂

    We also had the electricity team over again to make sure we have everything needed to get started. We want to play it safe and have everything ready before we’d do the first tests.

    I guess I should mention that today we have confirmed and signed the contract with DHL. Internet contracts is also now received and waiting to be signed and delivered.

    That’s basically all we’ve done today. Now that the shelves are up and standing we can start mounting the rigs.

    I’ll see you tomorrow guys 🙂

    It was a great day full of win 🙂 today we were able to paint the rest of the office.

    The team of electricians has arrived and has finished setting up the wiring. They’ve also installed some of the plugs – the rest will be installed tomorrow, after which we will be able to make the connections to the main panel.

    Now, what about the furniture? We have invited a specialist to discuss what we need in the office – stuff such as a coffee table, a desk for monitors/laptops, some shelves for documents/invoices and a couple more things. Check future pictures to see what furniture we’ve picked 🙂

    One of the most important tasks today was to take the final decision on the workbench design. You probably agree that we should pay a lot of attention to the workbench where we will be building your rigs. So we took our time to think about the design and dimensions that would help us to be productive.

    More soon, thanks!

    Sorry for being silent for the couple past days. We’ve been really busy at the workshop and I had little time left to keep the journal up to date.

    There are a lot of things going on. Now that the office partition is 95% complete, it is time to start working on the aesthetics. While we don’t aim to make it look as good as Activision Blizzard headquarters in Santa Monica, we do want to paint the walls and whatnot.

    So today we were doing exactly that. Three layers of paint were applied so far; tomorrow we are expecting to see the paint dry and shiny.

    Check the photos to witness the aesthetical metamorphosis of the room:

    So today we’ve applied even more paint and we kept on the smaller details to make the room look good (or acceptable, depending on tastes). The room is quite big and it takes quite a while to paint it.

    However, that’s nothing compared to the amount of work that has been done by the team of electricians today. I’ve shared a bunch of photos so you can appreciate how cool and organized the main panel looks now.

    Basically, today we’ve installed the panel and connected all the plugs and power cables. Safety is always a priority for us so we’ve made sure to make the installation according to all norms. We’ve also tested it and everything works perfectly. I feel so good about it – the amount of cables to connect was quite intimidating at first, but eventually we’ve managed to plug the right wires to the right places.

    Taking today into account, it took us three days to install the cables and connect them to the panel. Now the workshop is properly powered up – there are cables everywhere – which means that we will be able to begin connecting the rigs soon!

    Well.. this really was a very very hard and rough day, lot of work.. not sure with what to begin 🙂 Since we finished with the electricity in the hosting room, now we have to work a bit on security measures.. so we decided to install some metal bars for protection. So we had to cut and weld them together then to install and weld them again to create a fence. We also covered the windows with some black material.

    Let’s not forget about the injuries, Radu made a bad move while caring the bars and he hurt is back, fortunately I have a friend who is a Kinotherapist and we called him fast for quick inspection and masaj 😀 , he is little bit better now.

    Another thing done was to install the window for office.

    And let’s not forget about the personalized  t-shirts and cups with 1stMiningRig and International Crypto Solutions Logos.

    C u soon! 🙂

    Hello again 🙂

    Here are some more updates in case you’ve been missing them!

    For the last couple of days we have been focusing on cleaning the room. We have been using a professional machine to dust the carpet – I really want to have as less dust as possible before we install and turn on the rigs. We’ve been repeating the process for 2-3 days in a row – you can see me on the photo doing it once again today.

    We’ve also wrapped the external window with a reflective film. This will reflect the sunlight, allowing us to save a bit on cooling.

    Finally, today we’ve reinforced the racks on the wall with a metal bar to make sure those won’t fall down.

    Furniture is next in the list, so stay tuned! 🙂

    Great news! Furniture is finally here, workbench is installed and we are finally ready to start working on your rigs, guys! 🙂

    The only thing left is some of the office furniture. Hopefully it won’t take long until that part is covered too; I estimate one day will be enough for that.

    The internet connection is now installed and properly configured too, so we’re almost all set to start mass producing my signature rigs for you.

    Enjoy the pictures!

    As you know from my latest update, we’ve almost finished the furniture, workbench included.

    We had to apply linoleum on top of the workbench to prevent it from scratches and damage from heavy tools. Also the integrated plugs are now fully functional too!

    Office isn’t complete without a sofa but we are getting one soon – it is on its way and should be delivered to us tomorrow. As for now, we’ve got two comfy office chairs to sit on.

    Today’s greatest news is that we had our first mining rig for configuration – someone called us to help with the hashrate and power consumption. The rig has 6x RX 580 8GB Special Edition, 4x Hynix memory and 2x Samsung memory. The GPU from the back is a XFX 580 8GB!

    You can see the results in the pictures 🙂

    Hey people 🙂 let me tell you that office room is now ready.

    We just have received the sofa. Radu and another friend have installed it. Surprisingly enough, it took them a good hour or two because you know… IKEA things.. :/

    We’ve also worked on the testing/hosting room today.

    You probably know that we want each rig to receive its own local IP so we can monitor and manage each rig individually through specialized software. So, in order to do so, a friend of mine visited the office today and helped us with the server configuration and internet access installation, and gave us a hand on security configuration.

    Besides that, he did the wiring for patch panels and switches, as well as the connection between them. I really want to thank him again for his assistance – he helped us to save a lot of time and effort!

    Oh and please don’t mind the mess. This place has got supernatural powers –the more we clean it, the messier it becomes at the end of the day. At this point we have become so adept at cleaning that we might as well consider starting our own cleaning company lol (Just kidding)

    I am sure you are looking forward tomorrow’s update the same way we do. If all goes well, tomorrow we are receiving several mining rig components, so it should be an exciting day. Stay tuned! 🙂


    The day has come, guys! After one month of preparation and struggling we are finally ready to start building your mining rigs. There are still a couple of small things left to be done but we can work on them a bit later.

    One last thing was to make the shelves for rigs that are being pre-tested near the workbench! In the pictures, you can see me working on few mining rigs for a friend, the GPUs are Sapphire Pulse RX 580 8GB 🙂 Those beasts hash really well, by the way!

    I can say we are now officially launched, sales will start soon!

    Short recap of what we’ve done in the past two weeks:

    • Office room – built from scratch
    • Testing/Hosting room – remodeled, painted and customized to fit our needs
    • Mining Rigs Shelves – made from scratch
    • Electricity cables/panels/plugs – installed
    • Furniture – assembled and installed
    • Server rack, patch panel, switch
    • And more…

    Stay tuned for the sales announcement!

    In Conclusion

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Also, if you are interested in knowing more about the rigs or getting some for your home farm, please do let me know it in the comments section below.

    Prices will be defined and posted soon on this same page, so you might want to bookmark it too.

    Again, 1stminingrig will not be abandoned or anything. I will keep working on new content and answer your comments and emails.

    Stay tuned!

    Help me by sharing this! Thank you 🙂


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