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AMD Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580 8GB Limited Edition Mining Rig Tutorial – 190 Mh/s

Here is another mining rig, this time i am using the new Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580 8GB Limited Edition GPUs. I must say that this is one of the best mining rig i ever build, it worked with no crashes or any other issues from the beginning, it is like a plug and play machine, power up and forget about it 🙂

As you can see for this mining rig i use dual PSU, not because of high power consumption or anything related to that, since with this crypto mining rush is very hard to find other components too not only GPUs.. so i was looking to get EVGA 1300w PSU or any 1300w 80+ Gold certified PSU and i ended up with 2x EVGA 750w 🙂 which works great!

Hashrate results: Ethereum 190 Mh/s + Siacoin 3,230 Mh/s

Let’s get started!

Hardware used

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1 Step 1 – Hardware Installation

If this is your first time assembling a PC, check this tutorial: Tutorial: Ethereum Mining Rig Part 3 (building the rig)

A) Motherboard – connect the following parts
  • CPU and Cooler
  • Memory RAM
  • SSD
  • Power Button

B) PSU – connect cables and dual psu adapter
  • PSU 1: 3x VGA Cables, 3x SATA Cables, 1x Motherboard 24 Pin Cable, 1x CPU Cable, 1x Molex Cable
  • PSU 1: Connect 1x Motherboard 24 Pin and 1x CPU Cables to motherboard
  • PSU2: 3x VGA Cables, 3x SATA Cables, 1x Motherboard 24 Pin Cable
  • Dual PSU Adapter: Connect Molex cable to ADD2PSU adapter from PSU 1 and then attach the Motherboard 24 Pin Cable to ADD2PSU from PSU 2
C) GPU and USB Risers
  • 1x GPU
  • 1x USB Risers
  • First connect 1x USB Riser cables (USB 3.0, 6 PIN to SATA) , then connect it with SATA cable from PSU 1, plug USB 3.0 in to 16x PCIe slot
  • Attach the GPU to USB riser and then connect it with 8 Pin (only) VGA cable
2 Step 2 – Windows installation, Drivers and Mining Tweaks

3 Step 3 – GPU BIOS mod/flash & tools

4 Step 4 – Power up the rig with all 6 GPUs

5 Step 5 – How to power up the rig with two PSUs

  • Connect both PSUs power cables to wall plug
  • PSU 2: Turn it on by switching the button from 0 to 1
  • PSU 1: Turn it on by switching the button from 0 to 1
  • Press power button to start the PC, both PSUs will start almost at the same time
  • When windows is booted wait for few minutes to discover all 6 GPUs, you can check in device manager when all GPUs are installed

Before to continue further, please share this 🙂 thanks!

6 Step 6 – Claymore Dual Ethereum Miner

  • Download Claymore:!O4YA2JgD!n2b4iSHQDruEsYUvTQP5_w
  • Extract archive contents on desktop
  • If you want to mine Ethereum only, create a new text document like ETH.txt and paste the following code: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal <Your_Ethereum_Address>.<RigName> -epsw x -dcri 1 , then rename ETH.txt to ETH.bat
  • For dual mining Ethereum + Siacoin create a new text document and name it ETH+SIA.txt and add the following code: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal <Your_Ethereum_Address>.<RigName> -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal <Your_Siacoin_Address>.<RigName> -dcoin sia -dcri 14,19 or 30
  • for more details on how setup the miner or how to mine ZCash and Monero check this guide:

The results!

  • Ethereum hashrate 190 Mh/s
  • Siacoin hashrate 3,200 Mh/s
  • GPU clock 1200 (claymore line: -cclock 1200)
  • GPU memory clock 2250 (claymore line:  -cclock 1200)
  • Undervolt claymore line -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850
  • Full line: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal <Your_Ethereum_Address>.<RigName> -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal <Your_Siacoin_Address>.<RigName> -dcoin sia -dcri 30 -cclock 1200 -mclock 2250 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850
  • Power draw 1020w (PSU 1 519w & PSU 2 504w)

have fun! 🙂

Disclaimer: This is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor, this is for educational purposes only. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency please do your own research and invest at your own risk, 1stMiningRig is never liable for any decisions you make. 1stMiningRig may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. 1stMiningRig may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used.
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