Lately, Bitmain has been on a streak of making ASICs for ASIC-resistant coins. Ethereum has fell victim first and now it’s time for ZCash and other Equihash-based coins
Eventually, equihash-based coins are receiving more attention lately from both developers and miners alike. One of the latest additions was a new CUDA miner for NVidia cards. If
We’ve got some great news for those of you who were wondering about what happened to sgminer. The project seemed abandoned, until Genesis Mining issued a new version
Are you mining ZCash (ZEC) with ethOS ? Good.. there is a new update that will increase your hashing speed x2 times, how ? ethOS implemented silentarmy miner
We all know and love the classic Ethereum (ETH). It proved to be quite effective on the most popular mining PC setups. Nevertheless, many believe that the good
I got good news for those of you who have purchased ZCash cloud mining hashrate in the past from Genesis Mining. The newest update increased the mining hashrate