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TRIO Mining – Did you know that it is possible? PROOF!


Hey you.. 😉

Since last month i was testing if is possible or profitable to mine a 3rd altcoin, yep 3rd.. i know you all are familiar with Claymore’s Dual Ethereum miner with Decred , Siacoin, LBRY Credits or PascalCoin, but we can add another one 🙂 how is that possible?

Well, if you had the chance to read my last post about Storj, i assume that, maybe, you already integrated it.

If not, here is how you can mine 3 coins with only 1 rig, very easy!

Storj can be mined with HDD , not CPU/GPU, basically you will be paid in Storjcoin X (SJCX) for reting your HDD space, simple! Read my review about Storj or visit their website!

Get started to “mine” and earn with the 3rd coin!

this payment is just for a small amount of space, just few GB’s


How to mine Storj!

1 Wallet Key

1 Storj Software

  • Download Storj Share
  • Install & run Storj Share
  • Where it says “Payout Address” add your wallet key that you created in the first step
  • Browse for space location or partition
  • Type the amount of GB you want to rent
  • Click start! 😀

Before to continue further, please share this 🙂 thanks!

That’s it!

Now go buy yourself a nice 5TB HDD and plug it in to your rig and make some extra profit! 😆

I made a list with some nice HDDs

I will keep you updated with this!

Happy mining!

Disclaimer: This is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor, this is for educational purposes only. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency please do your own research and invest at your own risk, 1stMiningRig is never liable for any decisions you make. 1stMiningRig may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. 1stMiningRig may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used.
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