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Claymore’s Dual Ethereum Miner v9.0 – Better Mining Performance

Hey 🙂

So.. Claymore just released few days a go his latest Dual Ethereum Miner version 9.0, what’s nice about this release is that Decred’s hashrate was increased with 70%

What’s new!

  • added “-asm” option (AMD cards only) which enables assembler GPU kernels. In this mode some tuning is required even in ETH-only mode, use “-dcri” option or or “+/-” keys in runtime to set best speed. Currently only ETH-only and ETH-DCR modes are supported in assembler. Use “-asm 0” if you don’t want to use new assembler kernels.
    If ASM mode is enabled, miner must show “GPU #x: algorithm ASM” at startup.
  • improved ETH mining speed in ASM mode for some cards, also a bit reduced power usage for some cards (fine-tuning is required via “-dcri” or “+/-” keys in runtime).
    NOTE 1: if GPU throttles, best “-dcri” value is different.
    NOTE 2: speed peak can be rather short, so change “-dcri” value slowly.
  • dramatically increased DCR mining speed in assembler mode (up to 70%). Be careful, power usage is higher too.
  • added “-gmap” option.
  • fixed DCR Nicehash support.
  • added “FINE-TUNING” section to Readme file.
  • A lot of minor improvements and bug fixes.

I had made a few tests with Sapphire Nitro+ RX480 8GB OC and i was able to get around 29.2xx – 29.8xx Mh/s on Ethereum and 880.xx Mh/s on Decred.

Do note that with the -asm enabled you will also have a higher power usage, maybe 10% to 15%! If your GPU throttles try different -dcri.

Also you can use -gmap to set GPU order in fan/temperature list. This option is similar to “-di” option, but it manages fan/temperature list. For example, if you have two cards, you can change their order by adding “-gmap 10”. Another example, reverse order for six cards: “-gmap 543210”. This option is also useful if you want to exclude some GPUs from the list. For example, if you have four cards, you can exclude first GPU from fan/temperature list with “-gmap 123”.

I will add soon more results and test for RX 470 and RX 480

Upgrade now! 🙂

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