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How To Mine ZCash on Windows With CPU and GPU

Hey.. here is something new 🙂 i just started to mine ZCash just to see how it goes and if some of you are interested to do the same here is a quick tutorial with how to pool mine ZCash on Windows with CPU & GPU using nheqminer.

For this i will be using my personal laptop (btw i will keep the miner up and running)

Let’s start! note that this is for nVidia GPU!

  1. Download nheqminer here If you have AMD GPU then download this
  2. Once downloaded unzip the atchive and enter the directory, it should be named nheqminer_v0.2_flypool
  3. Inside the directory create a new text document and rename it to “flypool.txt
  4. Now we will have to create a wallet key for ZCash if you don’t have one yet, i prefer , if you have an account with them go to “funding“, on the left menu at the bottom you will find “Zcash (ZEC)” and click on it, the click “Generate New Address” and wait few seconds.
  5. Open “flypool.txt” document, and paste the following: “nheqminer.exe -cd 0 -t 6 -l eu1-zcash -u YOURWALLETKEY.myrigname”. -cd 0 means that i want to mine with my GPU if you have 3 GPUs then it should look like this “-cd 0 1 2”. -t 6 means how many threads should use from your CPU, my CPU has 8 threads but i am using only 6.
  6. Add your wallet key instead of YOURWALLETKEY and change “myrigname” to something personal like MYPC then save “flypool.txt” as “flypool.bat“.
  7. Open “flypool.bat” file by double click on it and the miner will automatically start.
  8. To check your progress go to and top right enter you wallet key.

If you don’t want to mine with the GPU remove the “0” from ” “-cd 0“, this is how i am doing it now because my laptop is getting laggy 🙂




New Nicehash nheqminer version, download it here , you will have to modify the flypool.bat file.

  1. Open it with notepad
  2. Your v2 code is “nheqminer.exe -cd 0 -t 7 -l eu1-zcash -u WALLETKEY.miner1
  3. Change “eu1-zcash” to “” it should look like this “nheqminer.exe -cd 0 -t 7 -l -u WALLETKEY.miner1
  4. That’s it, save the notepad and close it and then start it.


Have fun!!

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