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The DAO is currently being attacked, over 3.6M Ethereum missing so far

Critical update RE: DAO Vulnerability from ethereum

Update of what seems to be current information:

  • 3,641,694.2418985067 million ethereum routed to 0x304a554a310c7e546
  • This is worth roughly $53,000,000 at the current exchange rate
  • This has happened because of some weakness found.
  • Significant decrease in exchange rate, now down to $15/ETH
  • People who have splits related to Congo Split, Beer Split and FUN-SPLT-42 are urged to DM @griff
  • The worth has gone down to roughly 8/11ths of what it was before.
  • Anyone else is urged to spam the ethereum blockchain by doing (although this may have unknown side effects, use only if you know what it does):
  • $ geth console (one terminal)
  • $ geth attach (second terminal)
  • for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[4], gas: 2300000, gasPrice: web3.toWei(20, ‘shannon’), data: ‘0x5b620186a05a131560135760016020526000565b600080601f600039601f565b6000f3’}) }

Address where all the funds were send to is and keeps going with the transfers.

Withdrawals temporarily suspended pending report from the @ethereumproject

Kraken status check:

Current Kraken status: Withdrawals Temporarily Suspended

The Ethereum Foundation have reported a security incident related to an ETH leak in The DAO. This does not appear to affect Kraken but, out of an abundance of caution, and at the request of the Foundation, we have temporarily paused withdrawals in order to prevent any ether stolen from The DAO from flowing through Kraken.

We will continue to post updates to the situation here and on Twitter (@krakenfx). Rest assured that your assets at Kraken are safe.
Posted about 2 hours ago. Jun 17, 2016 – 10:03 UTC


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