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Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Mining Performance Review

Hello good people, some days ago I’ve got my hands on a pack of Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti cards. I’ve been testing them on rigs and I’ve decided I’d share my results with you.

The Strix GTX 1080 Ti is considered a high-tier gaming GPU for a reason. According to the official website and some third-party benchmarks, the GPU outputs about 6% more FPS than the Founders Edition.

The reason is simple – the Strix comes with higher clocks. In order to compensate the higher operating temperature, the card features three fans and a cooling system that is allegedly 40% more efficient than the founder’s one. This is due to the GPU being constructed with a 2.5-slot width that gives more heat sink surface. By the way make sure your motherboard has got room for that!

The fans are one of my favorite things about the card because they are really quiet even when spinning on full speed. It also accumulates less dust, which is always welcome for a mining rig.

Higher clocks and better cooling also requires more power. Unlike the Founders Edition that comes with a 6-pin and an 8-pin power connectors, the Strix comes with two 8-pin ones.

Recommended Hardware for 6x GTX 1080 Ti Mining Rig

Ethash Algorithm

  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ethereum Classic (ETC)
  • Ubiq (UBQ)
  • Expanse (EXP)
  • Soilcoin (SOIL)
  • Musicoin (MUSIC)
  • etc..

Equihash Algorithm

  • ZCash (ZEC)
  • Zclassic (ZCL)
  • Komodo (KMD)
  • Hush (HUSH)
  • Zencash (ZEN)
  • etc..

CryptoNight Algorithm

  • Monero (XMR)
  • ByteCoin (BCN)
  • Sumokoin (SUMO)
  • Karbowanec (KRB)
  • DigitalNote (XDN)
  • etc..
Software and Tools used for this tutorial
Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Specs

Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Specs

Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080 Ti OC Edition
CUDA Cores 3584
Base Frequency 1569 MHz
Boost Frequency 1683 MHz
Memory Size & Type 11GB GDDR5X
Die Size 471 mm²
Process Technology 16nm
Transistors 12 billion
Streaming Multiprocessors (SM) 28
GFLOPS (Base Frequency) 11,247
Texture Units 224
Texture Fill Rate 351.5 GT/s
ROPs 88
Pixel Fill Rate 138.1 GPix/s
Memory Data Rate 11 Gb/s
Memory Bus 352-bit
Memory Bandwidth 484.4 GB/s
L2-Cache 2816KB
TDP 275W (PT)

Here are some relevant highlights:

The Strix features 1569 MHz base frequency and 1683 MHz boost frequency, while the FE goes with 1480 MHz and 1582 MHz, respectively. This makes the Strix have 11,247 GFLOPS at base frequency while the FE have only 10,609 GFLOPS. The increased clocks also affect texture and pixel fill rates.

The rest of the specs are similar. By the way my cards came in boxes that are slightly different than the one pictured in the official website. I suspect I’ve got my cards from a new batch.

The card features two modes: Gaming Mode and OC Mode. Gaming mode offers lower base as well as OC clocks than the OC Mode. The clocks I’ve mentioned above are for the Gaming mode. Boost clock for OC mode is 1708 MHz.

Display-wise, the 1080Ti offers way more than you would need for mining, including two VR-friendly HDMI and two DP 1.4-ready connectors. I think the DVI port is the only one that will be used by miners.

Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Mining Performance

System power draw is 75W

Ethereum Only

Ethash Ethereum Classic (ETC), Ubiq (UBQ), Expanse (EXP), Soilcoin (SOIL), Pirl (PIRL), Ellaism (ELLA), Metaverse (ETP) etc..

Hashrate 36.5 MH/s

  • Clocks +100/+750
  • Power Limit 65
  • Power Draw 160w
Ethereum Dual Mining Decred and Siacoin

Ethereum 36.6 MH/s – Siacoin 366 Mh/s

Ethereum Dual Mining LBRY Credits and Pascalcoin

Ethereum 37 Mh/s – LBRY Credits 62.5 Mh/s

Ethereum 37 MH/s – Pascal 495 Mh/s

Ethereum Dual Mining Pascal Lite

Ethereum 37 MH/s – Pascal Lite 495 Mh/s

ZCash (Equihash) Mining Performance

Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti ZCash Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

Equihash algorithm: Bitcoin Gold (BTG), Zencash (ZEN), Zclassic (ZCL), Hush (HUSH), Komodo (KMD)

EWBF’s CUDA Zcash Miner

Download and extract EWBF’s CUDA Zcash miner:

Hashrate 650 Sol/s


Download and extract Bminer:

Hashrate 690 Sol/s

Bitcoin Gold Mining Performance

Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Bitcoin Gold Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

Equihash algorithm: Zencash (ZEN), Zclassic (ZCL), Hush (HUSH), Komodo (KMD)

Download and extract EWBF Cuda Miner 0.3.4b BTG:

Hashrate 650 Sol/s

Monero Mining Performance

Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Monero Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

CryptoNight algorithm: Monero (XMR), Electroneum (ETN), Bytecoin (BCN), Sumokoin (SUMO), Karbo(KRB), DigitalNote (XDN)

Hashrate 900 H/s

Nicehash Mining Performance

Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Nicehash Mining Hashrate Performance & Bitcoin Profitability

In Conclusion

The 1080 Ti might be a bit of overkill for mining (considering the huge amount of gaming-oriented features it offers) but it gets the job done, so I can’t really complain about it. It would be nice to see a 1080 Ti Mining Edition card with only one output port, no fancy LED lightning and more attractive price. Hopefully Nvidia will release more mining-oriented GPUs in the near future.

  • Mining Performance
  • Power Consumption
  • Cooling
  • Price
Disclaimer: This is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor, this is for educational purposes only. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency please do your own research and invest at your own risk, 1stMiningRig is never liable for any decisions you make. 1stMiningRig may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. 1stMiningRig may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used.
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