Two of the biggest miner software for Grin, Bminer and Gminer, received an update few days ago. In this tutorial, we will walk through how to mine with
How to Mine Beam An Introduction to the Scalable Confidential Cryptocurrency Note: This is NOT a sponsored post. As always, I only recommend you to mine cryptocurrencies that
How to Mine GRIN Note: this is NOT a sponsored post. GRIN Mainnet is Live! – How to Mine GRIN and Why Grin it yet another privacy-oriented, GPU-minable
z-Enemy is a closed source miner for NVidia GPUs. It supports a wide array of algos (list down below, Ravencoin included) and it’s known for being quite fast
According to recent news, there is a chance that top-tier GTX cards are getting a boost in ETH hashrate mining. The new tool called ‘OhGodAnETHlargementPill’ (apparently its devs
Eventually, equihash-based coins are receiving more attention lately from both developers and miners alike. One of the latest additions was a new CUDA miner for NVidia cards. If