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MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X Mining Performance Review

Today I’ll be reviewing one of the most expensive gaming GPUs – the GTX 1080 Ti. While it have been released about a year ago, the 1080Ti still remains the most expensive, as well as the fastest consumer-grade GPU. Its unmatched amount of cores and huge amount of memory makes it perform amazingly well for games. My question is – how does that translates into megahashes?

I’ve tested the Founders Edition back in 2017 and some days ago I’ve got the MSI version. I’ve been experimenting with different clocks and gathering hashrate numbers. I will be sharing them in a moment.

MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X Specs

  • Core Name: GP102-350
  • Cores: 3584 Units
  • Core Clocks: 1683 MHz / 1569 MHz (OC Mode) – 1657 MHz / 1544 MHz (Gaming Mode) – 1582 MHz / 1480 MHz (Silent Mode)
  • Memory Clock Speed: 11124 MHz (OC Mode)
    11016 MHz (Gaming / Silent )
  • Memory: 11GB GDDR5X
  • Memory Bus: 352-bit
  • Power consumption: 250 W
  • Power connectors: 8-pin x 2
  • Recommended PSU: 600 W


You probably know that as for today, GTX 1060 family GPUs are fit for mining the most. The 1080 Ti used to be a great option for zCash mining about a year ago. Now that the card price doubled, one can argue that it might be better to leave the 1080 Ti for gamers.

Recommended Hardware for 6x MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X Mining Rig

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Ethash Algorithm

  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ethereum Classic (ETC)
  • Ubiq (UBQ)
  • Expanse (EXP)
  • Soilcoin (SOIL)
  • Musicoin (MUSIC)
  • etc..

Equihash Algorithm

  • ZCash (ZEC)
  • Zclassic (ZCL)
  • Komodo (KMD)
  • Hush (HUSH)
  • Zencash (ZEN)
  • etc..

CryptoNight Algorithm

  • Monero (XMR)
  • ByteCoin (BCN)
  • Sumokoin (SUMO)
  • Karbowanec (KRB)
  • DigitalNote (XDN)
  • etc..

Personally, I think that the card has got some potential – Despite the elevated price, it features three times more cores than a GTX 1060, as well as 3 times wider memory bus. Let’s see how many megahashes we can squeeze from it:

MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X Mining Hashrate

MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X Ethereum Hashrate Stock Clocks (Micron Memory)

system power draw: 35w

Ethereum Mining

Ethash Ethereum Classic (ETC), Ubiq (UBQ), Expanse (EXP), Soilcoin (SOIL), Pirl (PIRL), Ellaism (ELLA), Metaverse (ETP), Callisto (CLO) etc..

Hashrate 37.6 MH/s

  • Clocks +150/+750
  • Power Limit 65
  • Power Draw 130w
Ethereum Dual Mining Blake2s and LBRY

Verge (XVG), BlakeStar (BLAS) / Maxcoin (MAX), Creativecoin (CREA), SmartCash (SMART) etc..

Ethereum 37.6 Mh/s – Verge (Blake2s) 501 Mh/s

Ethereum 37 Mh/s – LBRY 43 Mh/s

Ethereum Dual Mining Pascal and Pascal Lite

Ethereum 34 MH/s – Pascal 444 Mh/s

Ethereum 34 MH/s – Pascal Lite 450 Mh/s

Before to continue further, please share this 🙂 thanks!

ZCash (Equihash) Mining Performance

MSI GTX 1080 Ti Equihash Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

Equihash coins algorithm: Bitcoin Gold (BTG), Zencash (ZEN), Zclassic (ZCL), Hush (HUSH), Komodo (KMD), BitcoinPrivate (BTCP)

Hashrate 690 Sol/s

Monero (CryptoNight) Mining Performance

MSI GTX 1080 Ti CryptoNight Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

CryptoNight coins algorithm: Monero (XMR), Electroneum (ETN), Karbo (KRB), DigitalNote (XDN), MoneroOriginal (XMO), Dinastycoin (DCY)

Hashrate 890 H/s

Nexus (SHA3) Mining Performance

MSI GTX 1080 Ti SHA3 Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

Hashrate 250 Mh/s

Luxcoin PHI2 Mining Performance

MSI GTX 1080 Ti PHI2 Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

Hashrate TBA Mh/s

  • Clocks +150/-502
  • Power Limit 65
  • Power Draw TBA

NiceHash Mining Performance
MSI GTX 1080 Ti NiceHash Mining Profitability
MSI GTX 1080 Ti Mining Rigs Builds


  • Overclocked out of the box
  • Good temperatures, no throttling
  • Low noise levels


  • Not the greatest USD/MHs ratio
  • Important upfront investment
  • Up to 25% more expensive that other brands
  • 2.5 Slot design might be harder to fit into a case

In Conclusion

Do I recommend this card for mining? The answer is yes but only if you are a gamer yourself and want to mine between gaming sessions. Another situation I can think of is that you have several mining rigs and you are okay with buying cards that won’t pay off anytime soon. Despite the high resale value of the card, I wouldn’t recommend it to the average home miner. Instead, you might consider buying a set of GTX 1060 3GB.

  • Mining Performance
  • Power Consumption
  • Cooling
  • Price
Disclaimer: This is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor, this is for educational purposes only. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency please do your own research and invest at your own risk, 1stMiningRig is never liable for any decisions you make. 1stMiningRig may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. 1stMiningRig may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used.
Thank you for reading. As always, your comments, suggestions and questions are welcome. Subscribe and stay tuned for further updates!

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