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Best BIOS ROM for Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580 8GB Special Edition Hynix Memory 31+ MH/s

Here is another BIOS long waited for most of you, but thanks to Igor i was able to test the Sapphire RX 580 8GB Special Edition remotely via teamviewer. I must say that the Special Edition GPU is awesome, just like the Limited Edition and Nitro+ with great hashrate, stability and undervolt control.

I didn’t had an energy meter to check power consumption from wall, but based on GPU-z reports i can come up with something very close to reality.

The benchmarks were done for the following:

Ethash Algorithm

  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ethereum Classic (ETC)
  • Ubiq (UBQ)
  • Expanse (EXP)
  • Soilcoin (SOIL)
  • Musicoin (MUSIC)
  • etc..

Equihash Algorithm

  • ZCash (ZEC)
  • Zclassic (ZCL)
  • Komodo (KMD)
  • Hush (HUSH)
  • Zencash (ZEN)
  • etc..

CryptoNight Algorithm

  • Monero (XMR)
  • ByteCoin (BCN)
  • Sumokoin (SUMO)
  • Karbowanec (KRB)
  • DigitalNote (XDN)
  • etc..

Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580 8GB Special Edition

On Amazon6 Pack

6 pack Offer!

Software and Tools used for this tutorial

Let get started!

3 Switch BIOS to silent mode (display ports side)

4 Backup “Silent” BIOS

Before to continue further, please share this 🙂 thanks!

5 Download BIOS

Important, this BIOS is for Hynix memory only! Check your memory with GPUz software

Samsung Memory BIOS tests (thanks to Heki):

6 Flash BIOS with ATiflash

VERY IMPORTANT: Always extract ATIflash to C:/atiflash folder and place the ROM file that needs to be flashed in the same directory

My results with this BIOS ROM

Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580 8GB Special Edition Hynix Memory

RX 580 8GB Special Edition Ethereum (Ethash) Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

Ethereum Only

Ethash Algorithm: Ethereum Classic (ETC), Ubiq (UBQ), Expanse (EXP), Soilcoin (SOIL) etc..

start.bat file for Ethereum only with claymore clocks and voltage: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal ETHEREUM_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -epsw x -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 75 -fanmax 100 -cclock 1200 -mclock 2250 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850 -dcri 8/12

Ethereum Dual Mining Decred and Siacoin

Ethereum 31.5 Mh/s – Decred 950 Mh/s

Ethereum 31.500 MH/s – Siacoin 570 Mh/s

start.bat file for ethereum dual decred with claymore clocks and voltage: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal ETHEREUM_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -epsw x -dpool -dwal SUPRNOVA_USER.WORKER_NAME -dpsw WORKER_PASS -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 75 -fanmax 100 -cclock 1200 -mclock 2250 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850 -dcri 30

start.bat file for ethereum dual siacoin with claymore clocks and voltage: EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal ETHEREUM_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal SIA_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -dcoin sia -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 75 -fanmax 100 -cclock 1200 -mclock 2250 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850 -dcri 18

RX 580 8GB Special Edition ZCash (Equihash) Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

Equihash algorithm: Zencash (ZEN), Zclassic (ZCL), Hush (HUSH), Komodo (KMD)

Download and extract Claymore ZCash Miner:

Claymore Miner ZCash Hashrate 300 H/s

  • Clocks 1150/2250
  • Core Voltage -cvddc 850 -mcvddc 850
  • GPU-Z 121w
  • From wall 150w

start.bat file for ZCash (ZEC): ZecMiner64.exe -zpool -zwal ZCASH_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -zpsw x -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 75 -fanmax 100 -cclock 1150 -mclock 2550 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850

RX 580 8GB Special Edition Monero (CryptoNight) Mining Hashrate Performance & Power Consumption

CryptoNight Algorithm: Karbowanec (KRB), Bytecoin (BCN), Sumokoin (SUMO), DigitalNote (XDN)

Download and extract Claymore’s CryptoNote GPU Miner:!e4JVEAIJ!l1iF4z10fMyJzY5-LnyC2A

In this case, for some reason I wasn’t able to set the clocks via .bat file and I had to split the commands. I set the clocks to 1130/2150, undervolted the GPU to -100mV via MSI Afterburner and added –mvddc 900 to the .bat file.

MSI Afterburne / Claymore 760 H/s

  • Clocks 1130/2150
  • Core Voltage -96mV –mvddc 900
  • GPU-Z 80w
  • From wall 100w

start.bat file for Monero (XMR): ZecMiner64.exe -zpool -zwal ZCASH_WALLET.WORKER_NAME.WORKER_NEM -zpsw x -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 75 -fanmax 100 -cclock 1150 -mclock 2250 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850

That’s it 🙂 Enjoy!

Let me know what are your results!

Disclaimer: This is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor, this is for educational purposes only. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency please do your own research and invest at your own risk, 1stMiningRig is never liable for any decisions you make. 1stMiningRig may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. 1stMiningRig may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used.
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