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How to Mine Ethereum Classic (ETC) on Windows/Linux with AMD/nVidia GPU

Ever wondered if Ethereum Classic (ETC) is worth mining ? Someone asked about ETC so here it is a quick tutorial on how to mine Ethereum Classic (ETC) on Windows or Linux using AMD or nVidia GPUs.

According to whattomine , Ethereum Classic (ETC) is on second position as mining recommendation (for a rig with 6x RX 470 4gb GPUs),  followed by Monero etc.. What are the profits with this hashing speed/configuration ?

Pretty good right ? The difference is not that big but i think that it worth mining a few ETCs, when the POS hits maybe the price will have a nice number 🙂

As for this tutorial i will be using:

  • 5x Asus Strix OC AMD Radeon R7 370 4GB GPUs, rig components
  • AMD Drivers 16.9.2
  • MSI Afterburner or Wattman
  • wallet key
  • Claymore’s Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v7.4 (Windows/Linux) developer fee is 1%
  • Pool 1% fee

If you are looking to build your first rig or a new one, here is the best hardware you can get!

MoBo – $200 ASRock H97 Anniversary or $160 ASRock H81 PRO BTC

RAM – $65 HyperX 8GB

CPU – $75 Intel G3258 4 Pentium 3.20

SSD – $55 Kingston 120GB SSDNow

Risers – $50 6-Pack PCI-E 16x to 1x Powered Riser

PSU – $235 EVGA 1200W 80 Plus Platinum

6x GPUs- $1,200 Sapphire Nitro+ RX 470 4GB

Frame – $190 GPU Mining Rig Open Air Frame Case or do it yourself, tutorial here!


Ethereum & Ethereum Classic hashing speed using 6x Sapphire Nitro+ RX 470 4GB can be up to 175Mh/s, with my current rig i get 67Mh/s only, using 5 GPUs. Make sure you buy the right GPUs for your rig, check above!

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Let’s get started to mine some Ethereum Classic (ETC)

1 Create an account with if you don’t have one

  • go to “Funding
  • on menu from left side click on “Ether Classic (ETC)
  • click “Generate New Address” and wait few seconds, if nothing happens just refresh the page.
  • copy the wallet key

2A Mining with Claymore’s miner, 1% dev fee

  • download Claymore’s miner v7.4!O4YA2JgD!n2b4iSHQDruEsYUvTQP5_w
  • once downloaded extract its contents
  • inside the folder create a new text document and paste the following code:
  • setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0
    setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100
    EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal WALLET_KEY.WORKER_NAME -epsw x
  • change pool location that suits you the most Europe: or
    US: or
  • save the file and name it as you desire but change the .txt extenstion to .bat (i named it etc.bat) and don’t forget to add wallet key and worker name
  • start the .bat file and wait for the miner to start
2B Mining with Genoils Miner, no dev fee

  • download the miner
  • extract the files from archive
  • inside the folder create a new text document and paste the following code
  • setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0
    setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100
    ethminer.exe –farm-recheck 200 -G -S -O <Your_Ethereum_Address>.<RigName>
  • add your wallet key address and change rig name
  • change pool location that suits you the most Europe: or
    US: or
  • save the text file as .bat file (start.bat), double click to start the miner
  • wait for the DAG file to complete and once done it will begin to mine

Before to continue further, please share this 🙂 thanks!

2 Mining progress and being paid

  • go to and on top right enter you wallet address, click check status
  • on the dashboard you can find your hashing speed , unpaid balance , workers and some graphs
  • click on Settings tab and add your details: email, how often would you like to be paid (recommend 1ETC to avoid higher transfer fees) and the IP if your rig.
3 Overclock your video cards

  • Open Radeon Settings software and go to “Gaming”, then click on “Wattman
  • If you don’t have any button with”Wattman“, click “Global Settings
  • You will see there all GPUs, to overclock the cards go to each card where says “Global OverDrive
  • Or you can do the same thing with MSI Afterburner.

My hashing speed increased with 7H/s which is something for this R7 370s 🙂 There is not much difference between Claymore & Genoil miner but i personally prefer Claymore, because it has the dual mining features. You can earn even more using the DUAL Miner, but i will talk more in the next article about this, also tutorial.

The dual mining option can bring you $25-$50 more profit per month (depending what GPUs you have, also will drain a little more power) without affecting ethereum’s hashrate at all.

Stay close for the next article where i will talk more about this.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor, this is for educational purposes only. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency please do your own research and invest at your own risk, 1stMiningRig is never liable for any decisions you make. 1stMiningRig may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. 1stMiningRig may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used.
Thank you for reading. As always, your comments, suggestions and questions are welcome. Subscribe and stay tuned for further updates!

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