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Giveaway #1 – Gigabyte GA-H110-D3A

My 1st Mining Rig has been around for a while now – During our journey, we met some great people, learned a ton of amazing info and did our best to share it with you.

Hey you, the one reading this right now – in appreciation to you for being with us in this journey, we’d like to give you a brand new Gigabyte GA-H110-D3A motherboard absolutely for free. Intrigued? You should be, because this is absolutely crazy.

You probably already read my review of the GA-H110-D3A. The GA-H110-D3A is a high-end all-purpose motherboard that can be equipped with up to six GPUs. Here is a mining rig with this Motherboard Nvidia Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070 G1 Gaming Mining Rig Tutorial

It is the newest Gigabyte addition and it is meant to be used with the last-gen line of Intel CPU’s. It supports DDR 4 RAM and M.2 Storage – M.2 is five times faster than SATA 3.

It is considered one of the most stable motherboards thanks to its enhanced EMI protection. The mobo features twice as thicker PCB tracker paths that dramatically lower EMI radiation. It comes with high-end Japanese capacitors and enhanced heatsink, which allow it to function for days non-stop without any issues.

All of this makes the motherboard a great choice for miners and gamers alike.

So what is this all about?
You see, we have some amazing plans for My 1st Mining Rig and we ain’t even started yet. Altcoin mining is getting more profitable by the day. The demand on altcoins grows every hour, and now is the perfect time to start mining and getting your share. Our goal is to help people to get involved in this amazing trend and get the maximum profit from their rigs.

Now, we invite you to contribute to this goal and get rewarded in the process.

It is easier than it sounds.
To participate in this giveaway, you will be completing a set of simple (often one-click) tasks.

We will propose you to sign up to the newsletter, share the amazing giveaway with your friends, and other simple stuff like that. You are probably doing those things already, so it will be natural for you anyway.

Every action will earn you entry points. The more entry points you’ve got, the more chances to win you will have. Talking about which…

What are your chances to win?
Well, let us be honest – the mining community is growing by the day but it’s still pretty small, so you won’t be competing against millions of people. In fact, your chances of winning are rather high – as long as you have the required entry points.

You will get additional entry points for each referred friend, as well as for completing small daily tasks. The giveaway will be concluded in 15 days starting from today – the winner will be chosen and the motherboard will be shipped to his/her home.

Is there a better way to contribute to the mining community and be rewarded in the process?

This is crazy but true. If you are ready to get your brand new Gigabyte GA-H110-D3A motherboard, then click the link below and get started right now:

Remember – it won’t take you more than 1 minute a day to complete the tasks; in exchange, you get a good chance to win a professional piece of mining equipment!

Sign up here and get started right now:

Giveaway #1 – Gigabyte GA-H110-D3A

Best of the luck, we really hope that you, the person who is reading this right now, will get the new motherboard in 15 days 🙂 We stay in touch.


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