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Asus Strix AMD Radeon R7 370 4GB How To Get Maximum Hashrate

Asus Strix AMD Radeon R7 370 4GB How To Get Maximum Hashrate

As i mentioned in my last Ethereum Mining Rig Tutorial Part 4, i am posting this article with all of my tests made on my 6x Asus Strix AMD Radeon R7 370 4GB Ethereum Mining Rig.

Finally i managed how to get the maximum hashrate for my GPUs.

NOTE: This test was made via ethOS only!

For the Asus Strix AMD Radeon R7 370 4GB the mining hashrate with stock settings is around 13/mhs with the current dificulty

1. This is the best and stable settings for this type of cards but the hashrate is low.

globalcore 1150
globalmem 1500

13.30 – 13.40 MH/s per card
80 – 81 MH/s per 6x GPUs Rig

Asus Strix AMD Radeon R7 370 4GB Maximum Hashrate

2. This clock and mem are my preferred settings, i am currently using this. 85% stable but worth it, i get 1 throttled GPU once in a while but that can be fixed with a quick restart and the hasrate makes a big difference.

globalcore 1160
globalmem 1600

15 – 15.15 MH/s per GPU
88 – 90.50 MH/s per 6x Rig

Asus Strix AMD Radeon R7 370 4GB Maximum Hashrate 2

3. And the last one has the highest clock and mem but also very unstable and the hashrate difference is not big onl 2-3 mH/s per total, at least for me,while settings the clock and mem the rig freezed and had to restart it.

globalcore 1175
globalmem 1600

15.13 – 15.50 MH/s per GPU
89 – 91 MH/s per 6x Rig

Asus Strix AMD Radeon R7 370 4GB Maximum Hashrate 3

I hope this was helpful for you, ill come up with more tests regarding my rig and also i will be building more rigs soon!

Disclaimer: This is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor, this is for educational purposes only. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency please do your own research and invest at your own risk, 1stMiningRig is never liable for any decisions you make. 1stMiningRig may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. 1stMiningRig may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used.
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