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Innosilicon T2 Turbo Review – Bitcoin ASIC Miner

Is the Innosilicon T2 Turbo Bitcoin Miner Worth Your Money?

This is the last week when we can preorder the first batch of the Terminator 2 Turbo ASIC. The T2 is the newest Bitcoin ASIC manufactured by Innosilicon. It is based on 10nm chip technology which is a step forward compared to Bitmain’s 16nm.

The implementation of new technologies is reflected in the hashrate and power efficiency of the miner. The Innosilicon T2 outputs 24 TH/s with a power consumption of 1980W. With a price tag of 1350 USD (PSU included), the Innosilicon T2 Turbo looks like a yummy alternative to pretty much any other modern ASICs.

Batch 1 has been shipped since the 15th of this month. Apparently, Innosilicon still has got units in stock, though I doubt it will stay like this for long. Those of you who want to try this new miner out might want to consider ordering your T2 Turbo ASAP. Innosilicon announced that the batch will be shipped from August 15 to 25.


Is the Innosilicon T2 Turbo Worth It?

After spending a couple of minutes in cryptocompare, I have found out that the T2 Turbo is 8 months ROI for those of you who have free electricity and 3 years ROI for the average Joe who pays the average electricity fee of 0.1$/KWh.

That’s not too impressive, though it’s not unusual for an ASIC to take up to 18 months to pay off. Bitcoin price has stabilized about 50% above the mark it used to be before the boom in October ‘17, which makes me suppose that it might stay like this for a while.

I can speculate that this time, the main factor that will affect the profitability of the ASIC is the network hashrate/difficulty. Like most of you, I prefer to not buy the ASIC if I see an incoming difficulty bomb about to be dropped.

Are 7nm ASICs the Upcoming Difficulty Bomb?

If you have been following the latest news, you probably know that Canaan has announced their first ASIC based on the 7nm chip technology. Besides being more compact, allowing to fit more transistors in one chip, this new technology offers a wide array of other benefits that translate into better power efficiency and increased performance, among others.

GMO Internet Group, a Japanese IT company and ASIC manufacturer was the first company to release the first 7nm ASIC. While it was pretty weak, even compared to the existing 16nm ones, the next 7nm ASIC announced by Canaan features unbeatable power efficiency and hashrate.

In my Canaan Avalon A9 review, I talk about how it is possible that we might expect Bitmain and other manufacturers to announce their own 7nm ASICs soon. It is possible that upon release, those upcoming models will render the existing 16nm and 10nm devices pretty much obsolete.

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It’s reasonable to suppose that Bitmain and other big companies are trying their best to rush their own 7nm ASIC models to the market. Their business is pretty much a race – the manufacturer with the best timing wins. Therefore I wouldn’t be surprised to see hear announcing new-gen ASICs someday soon.

Now, how much of a difficulty bomb those new ASICs will be? I don’t think we will go from Terahashes to Petahashes in a matter of months and considering how huge the network hashrate already is, I’d speculate that it will take quite a while to double it.

Does that mean that the Innosilicon Turbo T2 is worth it? Investing in ASICs is and always has been risky for the average home miner or small farm owner. That’s one of the reasons why so many people stick to GPU mining no matter what. That being said, investing in a Turbo T2 might be a bit riskier now that we see a new technology making its way to the consumer market. It’s not just a new wave of slightly better optimized devices; instead, we might (or might not) witness quite a leap in hashrate and power efficiency soon.

Where to Buy!


Official Website

In Conclusion

As usual, I would recommend doing your own research and risk only the money you can afford to lose. While I’m not ordering an Innosilicon T2 for my farm, I’m not saying that it is necessarily a bad option for you. It’s a tad riskier for sure, though one the other hand the specs look quite promising too.

That being said, I would not expect the Innosilicon T2 Turbo to pay off in less than two years, even if you’ve got free electricity. Just like most modern Bitcoin ASICs, the T2 Turbo is definitely not a quick return on investment.

Disclaimer: This is not financial advise, I am not a financial advisor, this is for educational purposes only. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency please do your own research and invest at your own risk, 1stMiningRig is never liable for any decisions you make. 1stMiningRig may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. 1stMiningRig may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used.
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