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A New Siacoin Miner is On the Way – Here’s What We Know About the DragonMint B52 Blake2b Miner so far

Some days are full of surprise. A couple of days ago Bitmain has suddenly announced that they’ve got Siacoin miners for sale, becoming the first company to manufacture ASICS for that specific coin. The next day, another Chinese company ‘Halongmining’ has announced that they are working on an ASIC for siacoin too.

The DragonMint B52 is allegedly under development and should be available for preorder soon. The 135-chip ASIC is expected to mine Blake2b coins with a hashrate of 3.5 THS and a power draw of 1000W -/+8%.

This makes it the weakest among other Blake2b miners. This might or might not be an issue; it all depends on the price, which is still unknown.

Halongmining’s official website gives some basic info on the miner as well as the option to join their waiting list. There is no picture of the miner yet, though. On their official reddit thread, they state that “We’ll first post video of the first machine, then we can better estimate (we don’t know the wafer yield yet).”

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Now, is this legit?

Some people speculate that the miner is not real because Halongmining have announced a Bitcoin ASIC two months ago yet haven’t delivered it yet. The prototype is ready but the miner itself still got to see mass production. One might wonder why Halongmining wouldn’t deliver the DragonMint 16T Bitcoin miner first and then start working on a new ASIC.

On the other hand, CEO and Co-Founder of, Adam Back openly supports Halongmining by stating that he has seen the 16T miner operating in person.

Sia developers also confirm that the specs of the DragonMint B52 sound pretty real and doable: “The specs are in line with our most optimistic simulations for the SC1. If we can get the chips to run at 0.5V, we’d be seeing around 3.3 TH/s per 1000w.”

Halongmining is a new company and some people naturally do not trust it until it proves itself.

In Conclusion

It is up to you to conclude whether this upcoming miner is legit or not. Do your research and please consider sharing your findings here.

Now, what I like about this is the way Sia developers are actively reading reddit posts and replying in real time. This talks highly of them and it means that they are serious about their project and are really close to the community.

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